By Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp)
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After the WWE put two months of garbage juice on Raw, the company followed up with an excellent Payback PPV (Read my thoughts HERE). The show went above and beyond expectations, but wasn’t without naysayers.
– Evolution was out to start the show, looking beat all to hell. Triple H said the feud with the Shield wasn’t over, but Batista disagreed and said he wanted his WWE Heavyweight title shot. Triple H tries to boss him into doing the re-match, but Batista instead walks out and quits. Oh shoot!
Batista is the best ever at quitting in #Raw opening segments.
— Will Pruett (@itswilltime) June 3, 2014
– The night’s action kicked off with RVD & Sheamus vs. Bad News Barrett and Cesaro. These guys all fought their asses off last night, particularly Sheamus and Cesaro, who have some fantastic chemistry in the ring.
I’ve really liked that despite his obnoxious, yet hilarious heel gimmick, Barrett has been going over guys clean. Not every asshole has to cheat, and I like it.
I’m a fan of Paul Heyman, but this match seemed much more about him on commentary, than the guys in the ring, and I didn’t like that. Pretty impressive that out of all the guys in the match, Sheamus is the one who got the crowd fired up. That’s great for him, and a true testament that his old comedy routine was stupid. Just have him kick ass.
Cesaro walked out on Barrett and led to him eating a Brogue Kick and Five Star Frog Splash for the loss. Good opening match, and an interesting ending.
– Damien Sandow, who has been wearing all kinds of goofy stuff to the ring lately, came out in an Indiana Pacers jersey, and ran down the Indianapolis crowd. There was a basketball goal in the ring, and Sandow tried Harlem Globetrotters tricks, which brought out the Big Show to a huge ovation.
Sandow challenged Show to a game of basketball, and blew in his face a la Lance Stephenson. Show had none of it, knocked Sandow out, and dunked the goal, breaking it. I thought this was hilarious.
–Bo Dallas vs. Kofi Kingston up next, a match that was set to take place last night. I was originally keen on the idea of Bo’s gimmick, but the pre-match promos are getting old already. This match wasn’t good, and despite his gimmick, people really don’t want to see Bo Dallas. Just have someone set his face on fire, put him under a mask, and make him the Wyatt Family whipping boy.
My issues with guy like Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, and Rusev, is that I knew that the quality of Raw would decline with these new talents showing up when the WWE already had a fantastic roster, and it has.
Let's end this charade. Tag Rose with Fandango, Bo with the Wyatts, and put Cena over Rusev. Save some time
— Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp) June 3, 2014
– Stephanie McMahon was out to address Brie Bella slapping the bejesus out of her. The crowd was really rocking with the ‘Yes’ chants, which is a damn good sign. She said that if Daniel Bryan could compete at Money in the Bank, he’d be defending the title against Kane in a stretcher match. If not, the title would be up for grabs in the Money in the Bank Ladder match. Uh oh!
I hope this turns into the whole roster trying to take Bryan out, and trying to get into that Title-Ladder match. It's too easy to do
— Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp) June 3, 2014
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) June 3, 2014
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) June 3, 2014
John Cena came out, interrupted Stephanie, got booed hard, then cut a face promo on Bryan’s behalf…and got cheered. Stephanie booked a match between Cena and Kane, and honestly, this was another good promo segment.
– Kane vs. John Cena started immediately following the promo. I really thought Kane would be done as an in-ring performer by now, but the 47-year old keeps plugging along, and isn’t bad in the ring by any means.
The match was short, not that great, and ended in a DQ when Kane wouldn’t break a 5 count. That was the right finish, because you can’t have Cena going over Kane right before Kane challenges for the title at a PPV. But that wasn’t all, Kane attacked Cena outside the ring until Cena reversed the momentum, blasted Kane with the stairs and left him laying. I was pretty pissed about this finish, but then Kane sat up, which saved some face.
– Sigh. This 3MB/Matadores nonsense continued on Raw. Dolph Ziggler can’t get on a show, by the way. This was dumb, Matadores won.
– Stephanie McMahon booked Brie Bella’s sister, Nikki in a handicap match against Aksana and Alicia Fox. Like a handicap match matters to Nikki Bella, she’s Cena’s lady. C’mon now.
Well, evidently it did matter, because she lost it in a minute to Alicia Fox, who then did her signature awesome loony act. Also, for some reason, Alicia did a tilt a whirl backbreaker on the floor, like its supposed to hurt more….I guess?
– Well aren’t I a by god soothsayer? Dolph Ziggler is on tv.
– Adam Rose and Jack Swagger had an uneventful match, which Rose won with a kick-ass variation of his finish. You, guys. Raw has been bad tonight.
Oh dear god. The Usos/Wyatts will save this show from being a complete dumper
— Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp) June 3, 2014
– Yes, thank you Lord. Thank you baby Jesus, The Usos vs. The Wyatts. It’s going to come down to Ziggler/ADR, this match ans whatever the Shield does to save this show.
I’m always a little amazed at how over the Usos have stayed, but I love it. I couldn’t stand those guys when they first came up. They were so generic, so bland, and I’m thrilled they’ve turned it around, and to an extreme degree. Their entrance, music, chant, and face paint all sets them apart.
Oh yeah, Erick Rowan sucks. Thankfully for him, Luke Harper is beyond incredible in the ring, and Bray Wyatt is a master on the microphone, despite his absence tonight. All Rowan has to do is chill in the background wearing a cool mask and pick up a paycheck.
On the contrary, the Usos throw awesome worked punches and kicks.
This match was as wild as I thought it’d be, and I hope it continues on a pay-per-view platform, because if some stipulations are thrown in, it could be some golden wrestling, you guys. One of the Usos hit one of the hardest superkicks I’ve ever seen in my life, but Eric Rowan hit an awkward looking slam for the win. Good match here, and Raw needed it.
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) June 3, 2014
– Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler in a Money in the Bank qualifier, and Ziggler is still over. Really wish this actually led to something big for Ziggler. I’m fully convinced ADR will be a part of Global Force Wrestling by year’s end.
The crowd vocally supported Ziggler through the whole match, and I hope this sticks around. He’s far too good of a performer to be riding the pine when the WWE needs big stars. This was a good match, although a bit shorter than I’d have liked. Also unfortunately, ADR won with his armbar.
If @HeelZiggler doesn't get a title shot soon I am going throw a perfectly good pizza on the ground I'M SERIOUS DON'T MAKE ME DO IT #RAW
— DiGiorno Pizza (@DiGiornoPizza) June 3, 2014
I don’t understand this at all. The use of Ziggler, not the pizza tweet. I totally get the tweet.
– After Cody Rhodes told Goldust last night he needed a better partner, he teamed with Sin Cara to take on Rybaxel.
I love the turn the Rhodes/Goldust storyline has went. It’s not your cookie cutter split, and I really enjoy that. These two are capable of doing something special together, and this story can really gain some legs.
After a good match, Sin Cara ate a pin after Curtis Axel hit his finish. I’m really excited about the direction of this storyline, if you couldn’t tell.
– Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It’s Rusev. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss… and Lana They did some ceremony for Rusev. I mean, cool I guess. It beats him jumping whatever minority he’s after this week.
Well, this is different. I'll give them that. But it reeks of late 2004 Smackdown.
— Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp) June 3, 2014
– Well, it’s 11:02, and the main event of Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton hasn’t started yet. Of course The Shield and Triple H are also around.
Well, this is different. I'll give them that. But it reeks of late 2004 Smackdown.
— Sean Ross Sapp (@SeanRossSapp) June 3, 2014
Oh my god! Before the match, Seth Rollins turned on Reigns and Ambrose, and beat them down with a chair! I didn’t see this coming, and the crowd has absolutely no idea how to react. This is insane.
When was last time you got "you sold out" from #WWE crowd that didn't involved a real life storyline of a guy leaving! Well done! #RAW
— Justin LaBar (@JustinLaBar) June 3, 2014
Well sheeeeeIt! #RAW
— Lance Storm (@LanceStorm) June 3, 2014
Wow, you guys. Another Raw with two hours of total crap, but that closing segment was riveting. It doesn’t change the terrible show, but I hope they can parlay Rollins turning into something awesome. He’s perfectly capable on his own or away from the Shield. Dean Ambrose’s facial expressions sold the turn perfectly.
The post LIVE: Ultimate Writer’s Raw Thoughts- 6/2/2014 appeared first on Cage Passion.